Life is short...
break all the rules
forgive quickly
kiss slowly
love truly
laugh uncontrollably
and never regret anything that once made you smile

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Be Thou Perfect

Perfectionism. this is me to the T. I have been thinking about this all day today. in a way it can be one of my greatest characteristics but at the same time one of my most debilitating. I used to think that being a "perfectionist" could only be positive trait to have...i was always proud to say i was a perfectionist because it made me feel more accomplished. Now I'm realizing that it is one of my greatest flaws.

School has been very frustrating for me this term. I have never been put in a position where i am working my butt off just to get a C. My whole life i have been able to get A's. If there was a subject that i didn't understand all i had to do was try a little harder, read a little more or do a little extra studying and i would be able to understand it. Not this semester. i have never experienced anything like this. I cant even describe how awful it feels to put hours and hours of studying in...only to feel like i would have gotten the same score by doing nothing at all. Am i wasting my time studying? am i stressing over nothing? Today after tedious tutoring sessions that left me on the verge of tears i put my books away and decided i wasn't even going to look at it for the rest of the day.

This is what got to thinking about this concept of perfectionism. why do i get so down when i cant be perfect? why do i even expect that i can be perfect in the first place? sometimes i just need to realize that I'm not always going to be able to check everything off my list, to reach every goal, or to please every one; and that's OK. nobody is expected to be able to do that. it is the let-downs in life that allow us to grow the most. if we didn't have these discouragements then we would have no room for improvement. What a boring life that would be. after all isn't that what we take the most pride in...getting better at things and progressing? i know i do. ironically i now believe that perfection would be much less satisfying than imperfection. i am grateful for days like today because at the end of the day i am able to say that i did my best and there is always tomorrow.

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