Today was quite the day to say the least. it started off by me waking up way late (which i never sleep in) rushing to put clothes on, lock my dog up, get my things know the drill. Then i sprinted to the bus just in time to get on and then once at campus i booked it to class just in time, frantically sat down...and then realized that i was an hour early. yup. It was then that i knew that this was going to be one of those days where im just a little outta sink. But there was no time to fret about it..too much to do. school is really kicking my butt this semester. My classes are very difficult and i fell like i am selling my soul to the devil aka BYU (is it ok to make that analogy?) oh well i will repent later. in all seriousness i end up doing about 8 hours of school work a day, whether it be in class, labs, or homework. It is a little overwhelming. Today, even though technically i got an "early" start, felt like i was always one step behind on everything that needed to be done. i was rushed through everything and by the end of the day felt a little frazzled to say the least. But all in all there were some positive things about today:
1. The weather today was BEAUTIFUL! spring always makes me happy. the tulips were blooming everywhere.
2. i mailed my best friend/ roommate (who is on a mission) a package today.
3. My wonderful current roommate and dance party partner took me out for frozen yogurt
4. i randomly joined an intramural kickball team and played in our first game..which we won by the way!
speaking of kickball...who knew people played that besides elementary aged children right? well they do and it can get pretty competitive. it felt like a blast from the bast! i remember back in 6th grade when we would play every recess, and we would always give orders on how we wanted the pitch to come, "slow-medium-bouncey" or "medium-nobounce". Those were the good old days...
anyway, im off to do some homework, which i am really far behind on... And as hard and stressful as these days are its always a good feeling going to bed knowing that its over and tomorrow is a fresh start.